Unlock your potential with  your DNA

Download our free info pack which outlines the insights and benefits of Formula Health Nutrigenetic screening.



Why Formula DNA?

Nutrigenetics aims to identify genetic susceptibility to diseases and the ways in which very small differences in our genes can alter the effects that nutrient intake has on the body. This ground-breaking assessment even looks at the effect of other environmental stressors and the likely toll they take on your body based on your DNA.

A Formula Health DNA profile gives you the tools to fully enhance your genetic health. With one saliva sample, Formula Health analyses 1,000 genetic areas and provide hyper-personalised information on 5 core health areas, 10 health topics and 300+ reports. Giving you a lifetime of the most personalised preventative medicine possible.

Understanding where you may have genetic deficiencies, health risks or gifts can help you form life-changing habits. Unlock the secrets of your genetic health to become a healthier, happier you.





